Marketing and Communication
The role of the Marketing and Communication Committee is to challenge the gas industry with new methods to successfully market gas, including recommendations on potential strategic affiliations, how to reach stakeholders through new conversations and how new marketing and communication methods can be used.
The committee will work closely with the Strategic Communications and Outreach Task Force supporting the efforts to establish the IGU as the global voice of gas.
- A Natural Partnership: Gas and Clean Air. This group will look at examples of where gas has improved quality of life, campaigns that successfully marketed the impact of gas to cleaner air in mega-cities and explore potential affiliations with organizations that have an interest in improving quality life through cleaner air.
- Social License NXT: Building Common Ground Through Conversation. This Group will focus on how the gas industry can improve public image and acceptance.
- Successful Gas Marketing- What Is Next? This group will look at new conversations for the successful marketing of natural gas through the promotion of innovation and the use of social media and new marketing methods.
Information from last triennium (2012-2015):
[1] During the 24th World Gas Conference in Buenos Aires in 2009, the IGU concluded that: “gas needs to have a more effective and consistent voice”
SG1. Marketing natural gas and promoting new usages
SG2. Competing and coordinating with other energies
SG3. Communication & public acceptance of natural gas projects
i-gas Industry: Contribution to a special report